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The University at Albany sheds new light on Zika virus transmission  - NYSERNet

Written by Christy Rohmer | Feb 18, 2019 5:00:00 AM

Research by a professor at the University at Albany School of Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has shed new light on the risk of transmitting the Zika virus. The virus has existed for decades and had a widespread outbreak in America from 2015-2017. The University at Albany professor led an analysis along with members of the CDC Puerto Rico branch to determine the risk of Zika infection. The study found that sexual partners were about twice as likely to be actively infected with Zika, and that people in homes with open doors and windows are at an increased risk for infection.

The University at Albany is a member of NYSERNet’s R&E network.

Read more about the study here: